Hello Beauty,

Ever wonder what all the stars do to look so amazing. It’s refreshing when they actually tell you.


In the October issue of Instyle Magazine with Gwyneth Paltrow:

Instyle: What about your skin? It’s looking great. . .

G.P.: “I get a facial once a week, if I can, and do basic things like exercise daily and drink lots of water.” …

Instlye:  The weekly facial sounds pretty nice.

G.P.: I’ts hard-core–squeezing, peeling, microdermabrasion, and lasers! …


After 40 we have to stimulate our skin to keep it awake. Our skin starts to lose its vitality and we have to work twice as hard to look half as good as we did in our 20’s.

Just like GP, I also do something every week – usually an enzyme mask,. get monthly microdermabrasion and/or peels and I’m committed to getting laser treatments twice per year. (it takes 6 months to forget the pain and ugliness)

Getting a facial treatment every month is key to slowing the aging process. Try the Fast and Fabulous skin care treatment for just $45. You’ll notice the difference after one but it’s cumulative, you have to keep it up to see ultimate results.I’ll assess you skin and we’ll make a custom plan to achieve ultimate results.

Book your appointment today – Just $45 – if you book your appointment in the next 5 days!