Hi! I just wanted to add a little spring to your cold winter day! So I made a video –
Make your lips pop this spring! Learn how to apply Dahlia lip and cheek color using a lip liner, illuminator and concealer for a bright fun look! https://youtu.be/PloyEEt8HdU
DaVinci Teeth Whitening Report
I mean, it was ok.. .The whitening part took 20 minutes and was slightly uncomfortable, although, they did have massage chairs, so that helped! I tried to relax as much as possible to keep from tensing my jaw and neck. My before and after photo, for some reason, looks a little more dramatic than the results really were so I’m not sure if he used some sort of photo technique/filter or what. . . My teeth are a little sensitive and you have to avoid anything that might stain your teeth for 24 hours so not being able to drink coffee this morning was the most painful thing!
Brow and Makeup Mastery Course
I’m launching another makeup course soon! Early Bird registration opens in a week so be sure to watch your emails to get registered in time to take advantage of the Early Bird pricing. If you’ve been curious about Maskcara Beauty Makeup, this is a fun an interactive way to learn about it and see how to apply it everyday for a natural, beautiful look!
I love you but I’ll love you more if you share this!!
xoxo C